Rev. Dr. William F. Schulz aka Rev. Bill Schulz Sucks At Honoring And Upholding The Fourth Principle Of Unitarian Universalism. . .

Which calls upon Unitarian Universalists to affirm and promote a free and responsible search for Truth and meaning.

How so U*Us ask?

Well, just for starters. . . it recently came to my attention that Rev. Dr. William F. Schulz aka Rev. Bill Schulz, who served as president of the Unitarian Universalist Association from 1985 to 1993, and was the Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, the U.S. division of Amnesty International, from March 1994 to 2006, and who was also the President and CEO of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee from 2010 to 2016 has engaged in legal bullying that, under the threat of a lawsuit against her, and possibly the added threat of a lawsuit against the UUMA as well. . . "persuaded" UU Safety Net's Rev. Dr. Gail Seavey and the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association aka UUMA to "redact" the Berry Street Essay aka Berry Street *Lecture* entitled "If Our Secrets Define Us” that Rev. Dr. Gail Seavey delivered during the 2016 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

The irony. The irony. . .

If Unitarian Universalists, or anyone else for that matter. . . want to know exactly what allegedly "less than accurate" words of Rev. Dr. Gail Seavey were "redacted" from her 2016 Berry Street Essay, I can only suggest that they enter into a free and responsible search for Truth and meaning for what lies* behind Rev. Dr. William F. "Bill" Schulz's "less than principled" legal bullying of Rev. Dr. Gail Seavey and the UUMA. . .

* It depends upon what the meaning of the word "lies" is. . .
