Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors Litigation Lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe Gets Yet Another "Electronic Communication" On The Third Anniversary Of His Historic Blasphemous Libel Accusation

The following email was sent to Maitre Marc-André Coulombe minutes ago.

Without Prejudice

Monday June 1st, 2015

Dear Maitre Coulombe,

Today marks the third anniversary of you so foolishly hitting "send" on your "electronic communication" aka email dated Friday June 1st, 2012, 10:20:17 AM which asked me to please refer to the PDF file version of the ludicrous aka laughable cease and desist demand letter that I was only too happy to be served with by a Montréal bailiff several days later, and was subsequently only too happy to post to the interconnected and interdependent web of the internet in the following The Emerson Avenger blog post:

The Emerson Avenger: Maitre Marc-André Coulombe Of Stikeman Elliott LLP Barristers & Solicitors Is So Vicious He Hit Me With A Big Fat U*U Flower. . .

To date you have yet to properly identify exactly which The Emerson Avenger blog posts you consider to constitute "blasphemous libel" & "sexual harassment" etc. by responsibly providing me with their URLs and/or blog titles, as I requested you to do in my initial response to your "electronic communication", which I am hereby forwarding to you on the third anniversary of your chosen fate as it were.

That's not very helpful is it?

Indeed your past and ongoing refusal to properly identify ANY of The Emerson Avenger blog posts that you allege to constitute "blasphemous libel" & "sexual harassment" etc. etc. has made it next to impossible for me to "take down" aka "memory hole" any allegedly "offending" blog posts. In fact, so far. . . I have not deleted aka "memory holed" so much as a comma.

In any case, today is as good a day as any to thank you and your morally challenged U*U clients for bestowing upon me the truly unique honour & privilege of being able to bask in the untold glory of being falsely accused of the archaic if not obsolete crime of "blasphemous libel" in the 21st Century by immoral, unethical, and indeed "bat shit crazy" Atheist Unitarian Universalist "moral leaders" such as UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales, and "retired" UUA Executive *Vice* President Kathleen 'Kay Montgomery, to name but two of these sanctimonious aka "holier-than-thou" Atheist U*Us.

I dare say that it really has been boatloads of fun rocking the rather leaky U*U Ship Of Fools for three nautical years now in the wake of your rather poorly aimed "broadside"!

Allah prochaine,

Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger

P. S. Please refer to the attached photos of my recent Victoria Day weekend peaceful public protest on Ottawa's Parliament Hill against the Unitarian Universalist Association's attempted misuse and abuse of Canada's archaic blasphemy law in Bill Cosby style legal bullying that quite evidently seeks to cover-up and deny the readily verifiable fact that "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers", to say nothing of certain U*U Sunday school teachers, have not only engaged in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", but some of these U*U sex offenders,
such as Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell and Steven Craig Bulleit to name but two of them, have even been charged with, tried for, and convicted of committing "such despicable crimes" and sentenced to jail terms for the despicable criminal acts of pedophilia and*or rape that they engaged in.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Robin Edgar
To: Marc-André Coulombe
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: Unitarian Universalist Association and al. vs. Yourself

Without Prejudice

Dear Maitre Coulombe,

This email is to acknowledge receipt of the legal letter (mis en demeure?) that you sent me as an attachment to your initial email to me.

I only received this email earlier today and have not yet received the "hard copy" that you apparently sent to my brother's address via a bailiff.

It would be helpful if you clearly identified exactly which The Emerson Avenger blog posts you consider to constitute "blasphemous libel" & "sexual harassment" etc. by providing me with their URLs and/or blog titles. It is very unlikely that any TEA blog posts will be removed by next Monday (June 4, 2012) if you do not clearly identify which specific blog posts you demand the removal of. In light of the very short notice that you have provided I would ask for a reasonable deadline extension so that I may consult with my own legal advisers as to how best to proceed in this matter.


Robin Edgar

From: Marc-André Coulombe
To: ""
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 10:20:17 AM
Subject: Unitarian Universalist Association and al. vs. Yourself

Please refer to the attached letter.
Marc-André Coulombe
Tél./Tel : (514) 397-3395
STIKEMAN ELLIOTT S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l. / LLP   Avocats / Barristers & Solicitors
1155, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, 40e étage, Montréal, QC, Canada  H3B 3V2
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