Rev. Scott Wells Weighs In On The New UUA Logo

And Yours Truly decides to have a little bit of fun plagU*Urizing
Rev. Scott Wells' 'Boy In The Bands' blog post entitled -

'Color and the UUA new identity'. . .

This is the second in a short series of blog posts about the new UUA identity and branding plan: the theme is colorful interpretations of the new UUA logo.

While I’m expecting a full visual identity and some colorful palaver, I thought I would look at the released image of the new UUA logo to approximate what the interpretations options would be. As an aside, I put a vertical I in the white portion of the new logo's "flame", and placed an O on either side of it to represent two eyes in a human face, so you can follow along *my* perception of a turbaned U*U "pastor" raising his*her hands in unconditional surrender to The Emerson Avenger's U*U Jihad Armed Farces.

I’m not a designer but we see the gradient running from coral aka pink at the Big Fat U*U Bottom to a muted orange at the top. (Well, not all of us: several percent of men have a form of color-blindness that will make the coral a caramel or gray color.)

If I had to make a prediction, I think the greatest lasting legacy of this Big Fat U*U Campaign — maybe for several years, possibly longer — is the fact that it immortalizes Peacebang's Big Fat U*U Sodomy Fantasy which obscenely, and just a tad Sadistically, imagined "South Dakota state senator Bill Napoli anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch."

It’s the most obvious perception that corresponds to the affirming cries of "torch-like image at its center" from UU World senior editor Chris Walton, and "I see a torch" from Lone Star State U*U Thomas Earthman, not to mention Yours Truly who quite independently saw the flaming torch in the new U*U eh? corporate branding logo before even seeing their blog posts about it.

I look forward to The Emerson Avenger's FULL treatment of this Big Fat U*U Perception to be released. . .

And of the colors, I think the deep coral at the base of the anal cavity*UUterus (and perhaps in the lettering; it’s unclear) is the winner and the least problematic.

The orange at the top of the flame is not only dangerously close to Crayola flesh (read: “lightly-tanned Caucasian”) if you’re old enough to remember that, as most U*Us are. . . but one can be absolU*Utely certain that The Emerson Avenger will be holding the top of the flame dangerously close to the 90% White flesh of the asses of hypocritical U*Us, and isn’t contrasty enough from the Standing on the Side of Love goldenrod to make any Big Fat U*U Impact alone.

The various shades of tomato red are attractive to me in that they remind me of the embarrassed and enraged red faced U*Us who howled like baying hounds immediately following the U*U eh's bU*Ungled introduction of its brand spanking new Big Fat U*U eh? Logo, butt if you U*Us have ever had to buy a red shirt or sweater, you know how hard it is to match your red faces to this color. Especially in Target, when you’re confused for the floor staff and keep getting interrupted while buying tomato juice to remove the stench from the stinky vestments of "less than perfect" U*U clergy who got into a pissing match with a skunk. The color right below it reads as Marketing to Women pink, tints of which sell yogurt, wholesome cereals and probiotics, not to mention Pepto-Bismol®. Use it alone and you’d might as well say “bugger off, straight guys.”

And a single color is important, for real world, not-on-the-web uses. It’s a lot easier to pick a single color, whether it’s t-shirts for a church outing; running orders of service on the old, taxed printers that one is wont to find in old untaxed U*U "churches"; finding cloth for a Big Fat U*U Banner or what have U*U.
And the deep coral is beautiful. It’s also distinctive, less gendered and less likely to look bad on a range of human skin tones.

A thought. Someone who wants to identify or coordinate with a Big Fat U*U Visual Identity Plan, but not use the U*U eh's brand-spanking new logo (because they already have their own less problematic U*U logo, or they just don’t like the fact that the new UUA logo not only immortalizes Peacebang's Big Fat U*U Sodomy Fantasy, but may also be seen as symbolizing the UUA's shameful legacy of complicity and ALL manner of clergy sexual misconduct) might adopt Futura or a near-enough type and some variant of the coral color. On the other hand, it’s not a meaty issue.

We’re getting to the harder stuff like the fact that the "torch" in the brand-spanking new U*U eh? logo can *also* be seen as a rocket-propelled vibrator, or even a condom-protected penis, plunging into a Big Fat U*U UUterus and thus may be seen as very public "corporate branding" of the UUA's shameful legacy of complicity in clergy sexual misconduct…
