UUA Board Of Trustees Members aka UUA Trustees Who Passively Accept Evil Are As Much Involved In It As Those Evil U*Us Who Help To Perpetrate It. . .

Just saying. . .

In this brand-spanking new "electronic communication" that I just sent to UUA Moderator Jim Key and ALL UUA Trustees during traditional English TEA Time today.

How About Some Yom Kippur Repentance By The UUA?


To James Key gseavey@firstuunashville.org + 1 other

Today at 4:38 PM

Dear UUA Trustees,

What part of -

"You may affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of this person by having the human decency to formally acknowledge receipt of this email in a timely manner."

Did you FAIL to understand?

It is now exactly four months aka one third of a year since I sent you this electronic communication dated Friday the 13th of September, 2013, and 5 days short of a full year aka a complete orbit of the Earth around the sun since I sent the Gini Courter "moderated" UUA Board of Trustees the email dated January 18, 2013 that my
Friday the 13th email calls your attention to. Yet there is ZERO evidence that you have deigned to respond in anything even remotely resembling *responsibility* to the Spirit and indeed letter of these and other electronic communications that I have sent to the UUA Board of Trustees ever since the Peter Morales administration in its dubious wisdom had the unmitigated gall to falsely accuse me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel on the unfounded basis that I have allegedly made "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."

What kind of "luck" do you think you are making for yourselves, the UUA, and the greater Unitarian Universalist "religion" (to borrow a little slight from "Rev." "Dr." Peter Morales...) by ever so consistently FAILing, and apparently even obstinately refusing, to so much as officially acknowledge receipt of my electronic communications pray tell?

Here's the deal. . .

UUA Moderator Jim Key, and every single individual UUA Trustee, will not only individually acknowledge receipt of this most recent email to the Board, but will provide an individual personal response to me apologizing to me for all of their previous FAILures to respond in responsibility tio the Spirit. Jim Key gets a bit of a break here because he has at least had the human decency to speak with me the phone, and has at least sent me a couple of emails in his capacity as UUA Moderator, even if these emails failed to address my grievances arising from the UUA's Bat Shit Crazy Lance Armstrong style legal bullying that you have ALL FAILed to responsibly censure and officially and publicly repudiate.


Please allow me to remind you of some VERY pertinent quotations that are VERY applicable to your past and ongoing negligence and, at minimum, four months worth of silent complicity in the Peter Morales' administration's immoral, unethical, borderline criminal, outrageously hypocritical, stunningly hubristic and, one more time. . . BAT SHIT CRAZY legal intimidation that seeks to cover-up and hide UUA clergy abuse that ranges from comparatively minor insults and defamation, through an obscene and Sadistic "sodomy fantasy" courtesy of "Reverend" "Doctor" Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang, up to and including "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" engaged in by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" to borrow some choice phrases of Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe.



"False words spoken or written by "less than excellent" U*U clergy and-or "less than honest" UUA leaders and-or "less than Truthful" Stikeman Elliott attorneys are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the whole wide UU World with evil."


"The UU World is a dangerous place to live; not because of the UU clergy who are evil, but because of the UUA leaders who don't do anything about it."

Albert Einstein

"Non-cooperation with Unitarian Universalist evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with Unitarian Universalist good."

Mahatma Gandhi

"Unitarian Universalists who passively accept evil are as much involved in it as those evil U*Us who help to perpetrate it. U*Us who accept U*U Evil without protesting against it are *really* cooperating with it."

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Please forgive me for going all The Emerson Avenger on you, but it *is* TEA Time. :-)

Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger
