National Coming Out Day And Unitarian Universalist Pedophiles And Rapists. . . What's The Connection?

Happy Belated National Coming Out Day U*Us!

Yes, yesterday was National Coming Out Day in the Land Of The Not So Free, indeed I *had* considered "coming out" about a thing or two myself yesterday. . . however it was Dr. Karen Rayne who finally gave me the proverbial push to "come out" about a thing or two somewhat belatedly today by more or less officially inviting me to do so in her blog post entitled -

Everyone has something to come out about

Like Karen and her students I believe that my "coming out" here today can have "all sorts of benefits for the individual, their community, and society at large."

Without further ado, here is the comment that I just submitted in response to Dr. Karen Rayne's National Coming Out Day invitation to "come out" about *something*. . .

Can I “come out” about being accused of the criminal act aka crime of blasphemous libel by the Unitarian Universalist Association for allegedly making “unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape”? 

Just asking. . .

end quote

In that Karen's blog is moderated, and that comment is currently "awaiting moderation", it will be interesting to see if it actually does "see the light of day" by "coming out" on Dr. Karen Rayne's blog. . . That being said, so far. . . Dr. Rayne has really been quite good about posting most if not all of my previous comments submitted to her blog, so I have some reasonable grounds to believe that there is *some* chance that she will refrain from censoring and suppressing this questioning comment which is more or less "on topic" in light of the subject matter of her 'Everyone has *something* to come out about' blog post, as well as the labels that she tagged it with such as -

adolescent sexuality, communication, community, rape, relationships, safe sex, sex education, sexual identity, teaching
