Rev. Ellen Cooper-Davis And Unitarian Universalist Fear, U*U Anti-Religious Intolerance, U*U Anti-Republican Bigotry And U*U Hate

Rev. Ellen Cooper-Davis, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Northwoods, in the "Lone Star State", nudge, nudge, ;-) ;-) has spoken out against fear, intolerance, bigotry and hate recently in the 'Hate and Extremism Must Not Sponsor Prayer' post of her Houston Chronicle hosted 'Keep The Faith' blog.

I look forward to seeing the following comment that I just submitted to her "moderated" aka censored blog published and responded to by Rev. Cooper-Davis -

“Fear, intolerance, bigotry and hate have no place in prayers, in our city, in our state, in our nation.”

That is kind of funny Rev. Cooper Davis because fear (indeed malicious fear-mongering and outright paranoia. . .), anti-Christian and broader anti-religious intolerance, anti-Republican bigotry, and various forms of hate and hate-speech, not only have plenty place in *your* religion but are ALL condoned by rather too many U*U ministers and top level UUA administrators, including but by no means limited to the last three UUA Presidents, UUA Moderator Gini Courter, and most if not all UUA Trustees.
