Does Universalist U*U Rev. Scott Wells Condone Homophobic Slurs?

If I am to believe Rev. Victoria Weinstein's blog post titled 'BTFM is Four Years Old!!' Universalist "Christian" U*U Rev. Scott Wells is the webmaster of Peacebang's 'Beauty Tips For Ministers' blog.

Here is the pertinent quote verbatim -

"I have my dear friend and webmaster Scott Wells of Washington, DC to thank for keeping me on-line and looking good design-wise all these years. He MAKES IT HAPPEN, pigeons."

So the question now arises as to whether or not the ever so "Christian" U*U minister Rev. Scott Wells ALSO makes Peacebang's 'Robin Edgar Sucks' blog HAPPEN in his chosen fate as Rev. Victoria Weinstein's "dear friend and webmaster" and, quite reasonably assuming that Scott Wells does in fact MAKE IT HAPPEN for Peacebang. . . why does the webmaster and presumable member of the alleged "collective authorship" of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog condone the Big Fat U*U Homophobic Slur of the 'Robin Edgar Sucks' blog title?

Let's face it U*Us, saying "Robin Edgar Sucks" is pretty much the same as saying "Robin Edgar Is So Gay". N'est-ce pas? Do U*Us see any significant difference between those two homophobic slurs, one of which is a Big Fat U*U No No these days? I find it most ironic, and rather pathetic, that an "out" male homosexual "Christian" Unitarian*Universalist minister, who almost certainly does quite literally suck on penises as part and parcel of his own personal sexual practices, is most probably the webmaster and quite probably also a member of the "collective authorship" of the 'Robin Edgar Sucks' blog.

I would not make the above statement if I did not believe that it is all but certain that Rev. Scott Wells is indeed the webmaster and one of the "collective" of insulting and defamatory "authors" of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog, although I do believe that Rev. Victoria Weinstein is the primary author of most of the blog posts on the RES blog. So please do consider this TEA blog post to be one of my Internet Anonymity Guessing Game blog posts U*Us.

I think that Rev. Scott Wells would be very well advised to reconsider his participation in the authoring and publishing of the 'Robin Edgar Sucks' blog if he is indeed its webmaster and part of its "collective authorship".
