OU*UCH! U*U BDSM Dom Desmond Ravenstone And Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Rev. Albert Mohler - What's The Connection?

In short. . .

Both of them call upon women to submit to men.

Here is the comment that I just submitted in response to U*U BDSM "Dom" Desmond Ravenstone's rather questionable comment on the 'Albert Mohler and Me: What He Said About Preparing Clergy on Sexuality' post of Rev. Debra W. Haffner's 'Sexuality and Religion: What's the Connection?' blog -

"He had a major role in drafting the 2000 revision of the Baptist Faith and Message, which calls for women to "submit graciously" to their husbands."

Talk about pot calling the kettle black. . .

Don't BDSM "Doms" call for women to submit (sometimes quite disgracefully. . .) to them Desmond?
