Albatross! Albatross! No Not Monty Python's Albatross, Nor The Albatross Hanging Around The Neck Of A Famous Ex-Unitarian's Ancient Mariner. . .

Just the rather embarrassing "albatross" hanging around PeaceBang's thick neck for foolishly shooting the messenger* a few times too many. . .

Rev. Victoria Weinstein, WHAT *IS* THAT AROUND YOUR NECK?!!

Albatross removal suggestions*instructions for Peacebang, and other incredibly stubborn and stiff-necked U*Us. . . are provided below.

If you would like the rather embarrassing albatross that has been hanging around your neck for a while now to be more or less removed you *might* want to consider publicly apologizing for insultingly shooting *this* messenger. While you are at it you can publicly apologize to some of the other people who you have insulted and defamed on your Peacebang blogs over the last few years. Or you can just keep your albatross. The choice is yours to make. But it would be nice to see at least *one* “less than perfect” U*U minister taking some personal responsibility for their “less than excellent” ministry. . .

Comment here by The Emerson Albatross — September 10, 2009

What was it that Famous Ex*Unitarian Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the author of 'The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner', said about corpse-cold Unitarianism a few centuries ago?

Oh ya. . .

"Unitarianism is the worst of Atheism
joined to the worst of Calvinism,
like two asses tied tail to tail."

How prophetic. . .

That not so bon mot of dis*illusioned Famous Unitarian, now most ironically Famous U*U. . . Samuel Taylor Coleridge from some centuries ago seems to be all *too* readily applicable to the corpse-cold Unitarianism and amazingly asinine U*Uism of today,
to say nothing of last week. . .

But do enjoy this YouTube video of the famous Albatross sketch of Monty Python's Flying Circus anyway. . .

* And not just *this* messenger
