Does UUA President Peter Morales Insult U*U Christians? Will UUA President Peter Morales Split The UUA?

Someone in the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts has been asking Google recently. . .

Normally this kind of blog post would be reserved for The Wonderful Wizard Of U*Us blog, one of whose purposes is to blog about interesting and even quite intriguing Google searches that lead to The Emerson Avenger blog and/or my other U*U themed blogs such as The Emerson Avenger For UUA President?!! blog, but, in that at least one of these intriguing Google searches touches upon the abuse, if not injustice, of the anti-Christian intolerance and general "bad attitude" towards Christians that helps to ensure that *The* Tiny Declining Fringe Religion remains a "tiny, declining, fringe religion" in North America, if not elsewhere in the U*U World, I have decided to cross-post it here as well.

The idea that the recent election of Rev. Peter Morales as President of the UUA may cause a "split" aka schism in the UUA and/or the greater Unitarian*Universalist religious community in America simply had not occurred to me until I saw these Google searches in my web stats, but that idea has obviously occurred to *someone* in Boston, Massachusetts. I personally do not place much weight in this idea, after all why would UUA President Peter Morales, who quite justifiably describes Unitarian*Universalism as a "tiny, declining, fringe religion" yet believes that *The* Tiny Declining Fringe Religion aka The U*U Movement can none-the-less become 'The Religion For Our Time', want to "split" the UUA into two tinier, if not declinier, fringe religions? I mean aren't we talking about the President of the UUA who just said -

"There are no divisions in our movement, only complementarities."

in his first letter to the U*Us in his capacity as President of the UUA? Not that I believe *that* fine example of big fat U*U BS of course. . . No divisions in The U*U Movement my U*U! :-)

The idea that the brand-spanking new President of the UUA Rev. Peter Morales insults Christians in the UUA, to say nothing of the greater U*U World, is of course much easier for The Emerson Avenger to swallow. . . After all I have been on Rev. Peter Morales' U*U for insulting pretty much *every* Christian in the *real* world since I discovered how he had belittled and maligned Christianity, and any number of other "old religions" no doubt including Judaism and Islam if not Hinduism and Buddhism, as "obsolete religions created for another time" in his "stump speech" announcing his candidacy for President of the UUA. Then there is that little matter of Rev. Morales asserting that Christianity and other "obsolete religions" "lead to tribalism, violence, suspicion, hatred, and oppression" and "contribute to the darkness" of "hatred, injustice, prejudice, ignorance" etc. etc. Quite evidently *someone* in Boston shares my concerns about these apparent insults but is focused on how these insults reflect on Christian U*Us whereas I take a much broader aka *universal* approach to this problem. Unless of course this person feels that UUA President Peter Morales insults Christian U*Us in other ways that I am as yet unaware of. . .

Without further ado here is the rest of my most recent blog post to TWWOU*Us blog.

U*Us U*U World-wide are cordially invited to enter into a free and responsible search for the truth and meaning that may lie behind these questions by checking out the Google search results from the exact same intriguing Google searches made by someone in the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts who found their way to The Emerson Avenger blog in the last day or two. . .

morales may split uua

peter morales insults christians in uua

Here is the screen-shot of the pertinent web stats. I have whited out the ISP and other identifying information that might reveal exactly where this visitor came from.
