Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen Gets Congratulations Where Congratulations Are Definitely Due. . .

The following comment was submitted to the 'What Have You Done In Your Life? a meme' blog post on Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen's 'The Eclectic Cleric blog' at a bit before 3:30 pm EAT on MoonDay aka LuneDay December 15, 2008. I have added appropriate informational embedded links that were not in the comment as submitted to the not so good Reverend Doctor's blog since I have reasonable grounds to believe that he is now quite familiar of the facts aka TRUTHS referred to in this comment -

Congratulations Rev. Dr. Tim W. Jensen for your insightful observation that if you get into a pissing match with a skunk --
win or lose, you still end up stinking, and the skunk likes it.
You were brilliant to notice that, if I do say so myself.

Oops! Apparently that was your Grandmother's insightful observation that you completely, and quite foolishly. . . disregarded by not only starting a "pissing match" with this alleged "skunk" but even aggravating and escalating it after I blew your stinking "wind" right back to you. . . Well at least you gave your Grandmother "credit where credit is due" or what you call "a little honest attribution" and didn't actually plagiarize her.

Here is yet another Unitarian*Universalist congratulations for you not so good Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen.


Regardless of whether or not you actually plagiarized my quite original and comparatively unique words and ideas expressed on my StumbleUpon blog and shared with the U*U "blogosphere" in my well-meant comments on Rev. Christine Robinson's 'Purple America' blog post. You can now officially add -

Got in a "pissing match" with the dreaded Emerson Avenger

to the list of things that you have done in your life.

In fact AFAIAC you can add -

*Started* a "pissing match" with that dreaded "skunk" known U*U World-wide as The Emerson Avenger

to the list of things that you have done in your life.

Bravo Rev. Dr. Jensen!

end quote

P.S. About ten seconds of "internet research" aka "Googling" indicates that Rev. Dr. Tim W. Jensen's grandmother might have plagiarized General George S. Patton, or no less a figure than former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower! ;-)

Really Rev. Dr. Jensen, what ever *possessed* you to "get into", to say nothing of *start*. . . a "pissing match" with an alleged "skunk" who has a well established track record of taking the piss out of hypocritical U*Us, perhaps especially obnoxious and offensive, to say nothing of outright abusive. . . "less than excellent" U*U ministers whose "insulting and defamatory language" is condoned, if not outright endorsed, by the UUA, its department of Congregational Services, and its very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee?
