U*Um. . . EU*U. . . Seriously U*Us

Herewith a couple of comments with some revelatory embedded links that I just posted over on ChaliceChick's blog -

Robin Edgar said...

I hear you Bill. ;-)

TEA who notes again how quickly plagiarism sunk Rev. Donald Cameron, but Rev. Ray Drennan's anti-religious intolerance and bigotry is apparently no big deal. . . ;-)

Sorry CC. I just couldn't resist that. Yes it is "off-topic" to John McCain and Hillary Clinton but, like most such comments I post, it is very much on-topic to the basic principles involved.

5:27 PM, July 19, 2008

Blogger Robin Edgar said...




5:33 PM, July 19, 2008

It looks like I erred slightly with the embedded link in 'Seriously'.
I had intended that it should link to the archived TEA post which provided the complete email string of my communications with Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris that arose from my decision to gauge the current UUA response to clergy misconduct by filing a formal complaint about Rev. Victoria Weinstein's obviously unbecoming conduct with the UUA's Ministerial Fellowship Committee via its Director of Congregational Services who now apparently serves as a self-serving institutional buffer between complainants (aka victims of clergy misconduct) and the MFC. Oh well. No big deal. . .
