Ms. Kitty's Big Fat U*U Memory Hole. . .

Ms. Kitty decided that I should create this Emerson Avenger blog post. . .

In case anyone is wondering what I posted to the Affirmations of Humanism thread of "aging hippie" Rev. Kit Ketcham's Ms. Kitty's Saloon and Road Show blog, here is one of the comments that she "memory holed". This comment was the second comment that I made after she "memory holed" the initial comment that pointed out that Humanists are no better at actually practicing their claimed principles and ideals, such as those expressed in 'Free Inquiry' magazine editor Paul Kurtz', A STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES, than U*Us are. . .

I don't think that it was the least bit "off topic" to point out that all those fine principles purportedly espoused by Humanists may not be put into practice any better than U*Us put the Seven Principles and other U*U ideals into practice.

I know plenty of "Humanists" who abjectly fail and even obstinately refuse to apply reason to the solving of human problems. Of course they are U*U "Humanists" for the most part but all that does is kill two birds with one stone. ;-)

I know plenty of "Humanists" who quite regularly denigrate the human intelligence of God believing people. They are U*U "Humanists" for the most part but the last time I checked Richard Dawkins wasn't a U*U. . .

I know "Humanists" who go to great lengths to manipulate democracy and who can be properly considered to be quite anti-democratic, and even totalitarian, in their words and actions. Within the context of individual U*U "churches", if not the greater U*U World, some "Humanist" U*Us form authoritarian elites and repressive majorities that disregard and flaunt the human rights of other U*Us.

Most of the U*U "Humanists" that I have the misfortune to know most certainly do not cultivate the arts of negotiation and compromise as a means of resolving differences and achieving mutual understanding. Likewise these "Humanists" are anything but concerned with securing justice and fairness within U*U society and with eliminating discrimination and intolerance within the U*U World. The U*U "Humanists" I know don't know the meaning of the phrase "cultivation of moral excellence." They are all but morally and ethically bankrupt when it comes to some issues.

If you'd like I could go on to point out how U*U "Humanists" have made a total mockery of the rest of that "Humanist" statement of principles by doing the exact opposite of those principles "affirm" but I think that I have already more that adequately made my point. . .

And no it these comments are by no means "off topic", unless of course the topic is boostering "Humanism" in "blind faith". . .

end quote

I will try to reconstruct the rest of what I posted to Ms. Kitty's "memory hole" laden blog a bit later. Of course there would probably only have been one comment, and a considerably briefer one than this one, if Ms. Kitty aka Rev. Kit Ketchum had simply refrained from "memory holing" the initial comment. Come to think of it I may well be doing non-U*U "Humanists" something of a disservice by asserting that they are no better at practicing what they preach than U*Us are. Although I have a fair number of atheist and agnostic friends, most of the people I know who call themselves Humanists are "Humanist" U*Us. While there are no doubt lapses, and probably some quite serious ones, in living up to their stated principles by non-U*U Humanists I am not convinced that they quite so egregiously and quite so consistently fail or refuse to practice what they preach than U*U "Humanists" do.

Update: High Noon February 19th, 2008

OK Here is a reconstruction of the somewhat impertinent pertinent comments that I posted to Rev. Kit Ketcham's blog post about Humanist principles which Ms. Kitty decided in her questionable wisdom to "cover up and hide" aka "memory hole". . .

Robin Edgar said...
What "Humanists" state in their principles may differ considerably from how they actually behave. The same principle applies to U*Us and the Seven Principles of U*Uism, to say nothing of other claimed ideals of the "tiny fringe religion" known as U*Uism.
7:33 PM

Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
8:34 PM

Robin Edgar said...
Why am I not surprised that Ms. Kitty "memory holed" my post that pointed out how "Humanists" are probaly no better at practicing what they preach than U*Us are?
12:49 PM

ms. kitty said...
Because it was off the topic, Robin.
12:57 PM

Robin Edgar said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
(see above for the comment that had been posted here)
5:26 PM

ms. kitty said...
I get to decide what's on the blog.
5:54 PM

Robin Edgar said...
Yes, even if it is entirely on topic oh so aptly named Ms. Kitty.

Allow me to remind you that I get to decide what is on my blog Ms. Kitty. . . I think you have more than earned some mention on it.
6:10 PM

Robin Edgar said...
Oh well. . .

So much for believing in learning in the place of "memory holing", truth instead of ignorance, tolerance in the place of fear, and reason rather than blind faith or irrationality. . .
7:37 PM

Robin Edgar said...
Come to think of it Ms. Kitty. . .

You quite evidently want to make "Humanism" Free *From* Enquiry.
7:39 PM

end quote

In case anyone is wondering about The Emerson Avenger comment that the ever so aptly named Ms. Kitty covered up and hid aka "memory holed" on her What Fun! blog post, here it is -

Robin Edgar said...
Ms. Kitty is on a short leash right now and needs to redeem herself. . . ;-)
8:49 PM
