PeaceBang "Memory Holes" UU ugliness and incivility

PeaceBang said -

Maybe it's the ugliness and incivility of America lately that has hardened me and made me stiff and defensive and ruined the romantic world for me.

The Emerson Avenger commented -

Maybe it's the ugliness and incivility of UUs lately that has hardened me and made me stiff and defensive and ruined the UU World for me. . .

PeaceBang "memory holed" it. . .


Anonymous said…
EA I believe in being civil to people and I believe in the right of a person to express himself as you do. Some UUs do not practice civiity and tolerance and that is a sad thing for me to say. I believe in your right to say what you feel.
Robin Edgar said…
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the moral support.

It is most appreciated.

I too believe in being civil to people as a rule however, when people are less than civil to me, I sometimes choose to take the low road for a while in order to demonstrate to the uncouth louts that incivility is a game that two can play so that they may come to regret their incivility and change their ways. It quite often works very well however some people just never learn. . .

: I believe in the right of a person to express himself as you do.

And, quite evidently. . . so do I. ;-) Some of my picket sign slogans are real zingers. One of my favorites is - A "CHURCH" THAT BELIEVES HYPOCRISY IS THE BEST POLICY

:Some UUs do not practice civiity and tolerance and that is a sad thing for me to say.

I know rather too many UUs who abjectly fail or obstinately refuse to practice civility and tolerance; to say nothing of other purported UU principles and ideals such as justice, equity and compassion in human relationships for instance. . .

:I believe in your right to say what you feel.

I believe that I have not only a right but a personal and social responsibility to say what I feel about UU injustices, abuses and hypocrisy. I have already proven on several occasions that I will vigorously defend my civil rights to freedom of expression and public protest when they are threatened by stunningly hypocritical and indeed quite immoral UUs who seek to censor and suppress my legitimate criticism and protest.

Best Regards,

Robin Edgar